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Radio Kootwijk gebouw A

Posted 2013-10-04

This weekend, I was in the neighborhood of Radio Kootwijk, so I took advantage of that opportunity to take some photos of Radio Kootwijk gebouw A ("building A"). This is the site of a big shortwave radio transmitter that allowed the Netherlands to keep in contact with Indonesia, which was a colony of the Netherlands at that time. The time being the 1920s. I love this kind of art deco architecture.

The building was inspired by a sphinx.

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There's a face sculpted above the front entrance.

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On the other side, there's an eagle.

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The building is really in the middle of nowhere, as far as Holland has any of that.

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When I was there four years ago, it was cloudy with the sun behind the building, so I couldn't get any decent pictures. Too bad they removed the picnic table, though.

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